A Walter Albasi Production
-Aby's Feed & Seed - Project Program-
Project Proposal - Summer 2012

A. Brewery
B. Bar/Restaurant
C. Music Venue
D. Residential
E. Art studios
F. Retail

Two Scheme Design Approach:

"Lean Scheme"

Goal is to retrofit existing buildings and infrastructure while minimizing new construction
Address minimum requirements for opening a brewery within an existing historical building
Fulfill code & historical preservation requirements for Aby's mill as first development phase
"Quick" design pace aimed at getting a building permit for a brewery
Unused portions of the property remain as-is until future development or expansion

"Dream Scheme"

Goal is to design & develop the entire property as one cohesive "organism"
Form, function, materials & systems are all a reflection of the best case scenerio
Emphasis on innovative design solutions and creating a showcase for "green" technologies
Evaluate marketing strategies & create imagery to share with potential investors
Explore possibilities for national exposure through LEED or other certifications
Project is the cutting-edge model for future development of Rapid City & beyond